6 Tips for a Better
Nights Sleep

Sleep is so important to our mental clarity, emotional state, productivity, metabolism and almost everything health related! So when you have a hard time sleeping, it affects every area of life! We want you to get a better sleep! Here are some of our favorite tips.

 1.  Diffuser: Get a diffuser in your bedroom and have sleep support all night long. Every diffuser is different and will stay on for a certain number of hours. If you are using a diffuser for sleep, you want to buy one that will stay on for as long as you sleep. We recommend the doTERRA Lumo Diffuser. This diffuser will stay on for 10 hours intermittently! It also lights up, which is great for doubling as a night light for your kids. And now when you buy the Lumo Diffuser, it comes with a Free bottle of Serenity, the Sleep Blend!

2.  Essential Oils can be very helpful to increase the amount of sleep you get and the quality of sleep you get. Essential oils can have calming, relaxing, and even sedative effects on the body. Some of favorite essential oils for sleep are Lavender, Vetiver, and Roman Chamomile. However, the doTERRA Serenity Blend contains all of these essential oils and more! This eBook on Essential Oils and Sleep is a great resource for education, application and diffuser blend recipes!

3.  Electronics: Turn off your electronic devices at least one hour before bed. Studies show that using electronics before sleep actually delays your bodies internal clock and suppresses the release of your natural sleep inducing hormone, melatonin. The artificial light emitted from electronic devices is the problem, so try substituting for an old fashion paper book. But if you must look at your phone before bed, you can actually set it to night mode. You can even schedule night mode to come on at a certain hour. Here is a quick video on how to do that.

4.  Food: Be mindful of what you are eating and drinking before bed. Often times we do not realize that the tea or sweet treat we eat before bed contains sugar and caffeine. Try to avoid chocolate, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and heavy meals before bed.

5.  Wind Down: Do something relaxing before bed such as a warm bath, reading, listening to calming music or doing a meditation. Two of my favorite videos are Calming Sleep Music and Rain and Forrest Sounds 

6.  Snoring: If you or your spouse suffer from snoring, this can greatly affect your sleep! One natural thing you can do to decrease snoring is weight loss. But we all know that weight loss can be a long and trying process. An additional solution could be diffusing the doTERRA Breathe Blend at night. Breathe opens the airways and helps clear congestion.

How to Buy Sleep Support Essential Oils

If you are interested in getting theses sleep support products from doTERRA, simply click this link and follow the steps below.

  1. Click “Become a Member”
  2. Choose your preferred language and click “Continue”
  3. Choose your kit (waive the annual $35 membership fee and save some money with bundle deals) OR shop individual products
  4. When you are finished shopping, click “Proceed to Checkout”
  5. Complete your Personal, Shipping and Payment information
  6. Send an email to shara.langford@gmail.com so I can send you our Welcome Pack with Free goodies! 

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